Private Clinics
It's hard to imagine how many work a regular agent does working in a private clinic. So many doctors and so many patients who are not always coming or coming at the wrong time. And there is no other way to find out if a patient is coming or not except calling in advance and asking a straight answer

VoxiAI for private clinics is the best agent you could ever have. It helps patients as well as doctors. A client call to the clinic and want to schedule a meeting, VoxiAI will automatically checks if the time slot is available before creating the meeting and if not will warn about available slots.

It will automatically call every patient and know if everyone are coming and if not, fill the time slot with another patient. And if a doctor need to cancel the meeting, VoxiAI will reschedule every patient
VoxiAI for Clinics is
  • an agent that is always available
  • a modern and easy way to schedule a meeting
  • a quick way to inform your patients about all the changes in the schedule cheaper than live agents
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